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Classical concerts featuring
Xizi Wang


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February 21, 2025
Artistic depiction of the event

Wie frei ist die Kunst?

Fri, Feb 21, 2025, 18:00
Boglárka Pecze (Geschäftsführerin Ensemble Recherche), Christian Fausch (Künstlerisches Management), Christian Fausch (Geschäftsführung Ensemble Modern), Leonie Reineke (Presentation), Nina Guo (Soprano), Mitglieder des Ensemble Modern (Ensemble), Xizi Wang (Conductor)
The Ensemble Modern dedicates its concert series "How Free is Art?" to the topic of artistic freedom and its limits through music and discussions. How do performing artists deal with socio-political issues? Should, must or may they express an opinion through their program selection? Tania Rubio calls for protection of natural resources in her piece while Vladimir Tarnopolski tries to appear apolitical. Iris ter Schiphorst focuses on whistleblower Julian Assange.